Saturday, May 7, 2005


I walk on a lonely road,
trying to figure out what exactly is a "load".

I walk on the lonely road,
trying to see some decent marks on the board.

I walk on the lonely road,
trying to figure out what happens near a "node".

Is this my "reluctance" ?
or delay in proper "reactance" ?
there's a subtle foil,
which blinds me to know more about a "coil"...

what exactly is this?
what exactly is this crisis?
I am six steps away from being grounded,
I am six days away from being screwed,
and i am thinking,
may be there's some hope blinking...

it's not about what i am gonna make.....
though a 'C' would be like icing on the cake.
what do i need now?
i need to figure out how?

all i need to do is....stand tall,
and save myself from a steep fall...

I am down with fear,
Oh Heavens!!! look down here,
i am crying but my tears are dry,
something always keeps my spirits high....

I am down with fear,
why isn't my future clear?
I am down with fear,
Please help me God....Oh my dear..

i am down with fear,
i am down with fear.....