Monday, May 7, 2007

My Last Article...For EPC

I wonder, why I have been asked to write this one. And I will never be asked to write something like this again….4 long years…well they are going come to an end in less than a month!!!...Over the last few days my friends have been asking me, “Are you feeling psenti that you are leaving this place?” The answer is…No, not even a bit psenti about leaving this place. The reason why I say this is, there’s nothing that I can shed tears for, there are only smiles about everything imaginable, because every memorable moment is so crystal clear in my mind that I can just recall as if it has happened just few days ago!!! It’s for the sake of those zillion memories that I take back with me that I don’t cry. Maybe I am too overwhelmed to accept the fact that I will not be here anymore…

On Day1 we were told that attendance is not compulsory, there is no curfew after dinner like in several other colleges back home, you get to choose your own timetable; they said, you are mature enough to make your own decisions. Yeah…that is what this place is all about….we call it, “FREEDOM”. Some of us are of the opinion that too much of freedom will deviate us from the path of what we are supposed to do and what basically we are here for. Yes, they are quite right about that, but maybe I should mention this quote from the speech by Steve Jobs in Stanford University, “Life is too short. Don’t spend it living someone else’s. You gotta find what you love to do…so, don’t stop until that day, keep looking.” What we are about to do in the next 5 years might not be the same what we will end up doing in the next 20-30 years. And those seeds have to be sown right here, so later when you look back you will realize what great influence has these 4 years had on the rest of your life.

Everyday has been a pleasure to live here…so, the next time if some of you hear a comment someone saying “I can’t believe how those 4-5 years went”, you know why they say that!!! As someone who does very little apart from seeing things go past in a jiffy, watching movies or maybe even talking to someone, I wonder why didn’t that moment last longer. What I want to say, there’s nothing which is going to wait for you and as one of my senior had told me in my first year, “There’s no time for anything…you will have to make it from whatever you have.” One fine day, all that is going to matter is what we think and how far we can go to make those thoughts come true…make those dreams come true.

Before I forget, I really should mention some things which I would miss a lot!!!...Pappu’s Double Chai, Chimpu’s MNB, chai in Nutan under the moonlight just before sunrise, DC++ and all those people with awesome collection, people who smile at you for no reason, friends who are too excited to tell you “the” gossip in town, all those friends and seniors who have had a huge influence on me, heavy ghotting for each and every subject right from first year (Pun Intended!!!) and the biggest of all, Movies and Internet!!!

How I wish, these moments last longer, but maybe there’s more to come, that’s why everything has to have an end…atleast that’s what you can hope for. So, there go my last few words which I thought I could share, wish you all loads of success in life and for all those who still have time left here, think and do whatever you want to. This is BITS, this is LIFE.


Anonymous said...

amazing article dude ..

Anonymous said...

I wrote my last article too,but its in the confines of my comp.

Nice one :)